Ding dong! Join your culture consultants, Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang, on an unforgettable journey into the beating heart of CULTURE. Alongside sizzling special guests, they GET INTO the hottest pop-culture moments of the day and the formative cultural experiences that turned them into Culturistas. Produced by the Big Money Players Network and iHeartRadio.
Was there. Oh, Bowen. So Bowen and I are gonna we're gonna have an herbal refreshment while we talk about Coachella. We're both exhausted. It's smoke hour. It's smoke hour today on I just walked in from, I think, one of the best weekends of my life. I'm so happy to hear. The only thing that was missing was my sister. Shut. No. I'm not even kidding. You would have loved this so much. I don't know why I thought on the outset that, like, for some reason, I thought this year wasn't gonna give. Every single day was from the second you got there to the second you left, saturated with just the best vibes ever activity, spectacle. Yeah. I mean, especially even just yesterday. We walk in, like, we saw your girls flow. Oh my god. Flow. They gave everything. They have this song called there's a reason why I walk like this. That's just about like, they're this r and b pop group y'all that kinda throw back to, you know, the early days of, like, destiny's child, etcetera. They're kinda giving you that, like, y 2k r and b pop sound. They have a song that is called Walk Like this that is just, like, if you're wondering why I walk this way, it's because I'm getting plowed so hard Right. And so often that I walk funny The best just got plowed songs since side to side, you would say, by Ariana Grande? I would say without question. I would say without question. And it was really we're just sitting there, and I brought a bunch of people that did not know them. I just knew they were your girls, so we had to go represent. Of course. By the way, they had some belts in harmony that were Oh, yeah. Unreal, but we were living at the Lyric. I mean, there's a reason why I walk like this. Mhmm. And it's really so specific about how the dick do it. The dick do it. Can I just throw in some quick wick at BTS? Oh, yeah. In between takes, catch me, Ari, and Jonathan Bailey singing, I'm a bunch of shit and a cop.
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She I think she thinks we, quote, unquote, lost the audio because we didn't want that on there. But No, Michelle. We're setting you free. We we want you to do whatever you wanna do. Let me tell you. Since The Honeymooners, I don't think an episode has been lost of anything. Okay? The last lost episode was the fucking Honeymooners and now Lost Culturesistas. And I had my worst ASOS dress on. We were very soonie. I was feeling cute. Actually, just the other day, I was walking with friends of mine, and, you know, most of my listeners because I have a show, the Michelle Collins Show, I'll plug away. It's fine. And Yeah. This is Michelle Collins, by the way. But yeah. Hi. Welcome to the pod. Michelle Collins. Fine. Lose that too. Who cares? Cut that up. Cut the name. Bleak my name. This whole thing was going. This dirty marks march for deletion. I was walking through, like, town with my friends, and the 2, like, coolest Dutch people I've ever laid eyes on, they were so dressed, so cool. They were young, like Gen Zers, and they went Dutch. They went Michelle. And my friends thought they knew like, that we were friends. I've I would never have such cool friends. No offense to them. But I was like, yes, and they go, oh, we're fans. Could not have said it in a bigger throwaway way, but, like, I loved it. They were like, yeah, we're fans. We saw you at Lost Culture Estas. And I thought, oh, 2 people who witnessed the famed Lost Lost Lost Lost Cultureistas. Right? Lost Culture. Anyway but I had the best time with you. Thank you for It really listen. It was so much fun. Who cares? We had a blast. We had a blast. And then we we had we had a lovely boat ride the the next day. Oh, the 4? So fun. Remember the boat? Remember our sea captain who looked like they scraped him off of the side of one of the wooden posts? Like, he was so he was so, like, weathering. Him being hot though? He was very weathered. Remember hot? That'll do. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No. I'm saying he was like Yeah. When a Dutch man, like, is rugged, it's it's a it's a it's a complex flavor profile. Do you know what I mean? Sometimes you Personally
And I think American Requiem and Amen as the opener and closer work individually, obviously work paired together as Amen kind of recalls that sort of opening. So beautiful and haunting. I mean, there's like a melancholy throughout the album that, like, is immediately set in the beginning with this track. Yeah. It's just these, like, these huge gospel harmonies. And, you know, I think that, like, especially with the knowledge that everyone had, this is gonna be this country album. I think everyone was sort of really anxious to see what that really meant. Was it gonna be traditional country? Was it gonna be contemporary country? Like, what angle was she gonna take with this? Because, honestly, Texas hold them in 16 carriages suggested that it could be either. You know what? It it or it could be anything because 16 carriages is this big moment. And I just remember hearing that and thinking, oh, I can't wait to feel this in a stadium, these, like, big sounds and this this big vocal. And then Texas Hold them is very much like a fun, easy, hooky country song. And so what are we getting? And then American Requiem starts, and it's these huge, big gospel vocals and harmonies, and you get that this is gonna be really a nod to the roots of the country genre, which is really what this is. She is throwing it all the way back to the beginnings of this and the beginnings of her in many ways because you feel with every note of this song that this is authentic to her Mhmm. And that this is something that almost like she's been waiting to sing. You know? You get that. Yeah. Well, let's talk about the fact that this was supposed to come out after Lemonade or after Homecoming, you know, have whatever chronology you wanna say. The first of the trilogy was intended to be this. Yes.
Mommy, children love her. She got a fountain? She got a fountain? You got a fountain. I know. Do have a fountain. I know. Because last time I saw you, I think you talked extensively about the rehabilitation of the fountain, which I believe was a whole to do. She was a super cool. We'll be getting into that. She got a fountain. She has legions of fans. She got a new film. You got a new film? Focus Features. That's the name of the film. Focus Features. It's actually a biopic about Focus Features. A biopic. Nicole plays Focus. And then I think Javier Bardem plays Features. Yes. Yeah. It's a love story. And they have a really rough sex scene. Oh, god. It was so wonderful to shoot. He spits right in my mouth, and then I use it as lip gloss. Yeah. That's really good. Well That's great. And, of course, there's this other project. It's the American Society of Magical Negroes. Yeah. So good. Go see it. Everyone, welcome, Nicole O'Bire. Hi. And we're on video today. We're on video today. But I will point out that the last time you were here was 4 years ago in the weeks before the pandemic. I know. It's wild. How far have we come since? Are we better people? I think everyone is sick as hell. Yeah. Yeah. I think we've all forgotten how to communicate, act in public. Yeah. I went to a play, and a man was behind me. And, like, a character was like, I'm gonna answer the door. And he went, oh, answer the door. And was just, like, softly repeating things. And I was like, this is lies. Yeah. They can hear you. People are nuts. Yeah. It does feel like the pandemic and everything we've been through over the past 4 years has made people be like, it's low stakes to god. They can take it away any second. Why am I gonna why why act with decorum? They can take it away at any second. Back in. I'll be an animal at all times. Because if I go home and the pandemic happens, I'm gonna wish I said something about him going in the door. I'm gonna ask a terrible question that you guys have to answer earnestly. If it were to happen again